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History of SIN

How it all began

Just before the Summer of 1997 there was no Student Radio station at Southampton Institute. The Prospectus indicated that there had been a project of some kind at one time, but no longer. Giacomo Shimmings wanted to know why. He had come to Southampton Institute with the simple intention of simply getting involved with the Radio Station, and possibly doing a radio show too.

Asking lots of questions that start with the word 'Why?' eventually led him to be asked by a lecturer, 'Why don't you do some thing about it?'. That simple sentence started SIN FM.

Giacomo Shimmings founded an independent Radio Society called SIN FM, based in the Media Arts Faculty of Southampton Institute. The Student led, Faculty based project then orchestrated a number of membership enhancing events before forming a managerial structure for a Radio Station. A 28 day FM Restricted Service Licence was applied for Southampton Institute and was granted by the Radio Authority. SIN FM began broadcasting across Southampton on the 22nd February until the 23rd March 1998.

During the broadcast we held numerous promotions, such as cross publicity venture with the Rank Leisure World complex and Icon and Diva super clubs. We also gave away several years supply of Twix bars, courtesy of the Student Broadcast Network and had regular appearances by the SIN Twins, our leather and rubber clad promoters!

And now, the future

For a pre-millennial age, a new chapter in the story of SIN.
Rebranded as SIN and a specially created Student Union based Radio Society that exists in a binary state to the station, we are getting stronger.
The Radio Society is specifically for the purposes of general interest in Radio and to facilitate training, while SIN is concentrating on creating a permanent Studio and obtaining further radio licences.
SIN has strong connections to the Radio Society and now under the new guidance of a new Station Manager, Mark Reynolds, and a new Executive Committee, the project will be surging into the next Millennium.